DISC STYLES AT CHRISTMAS: Gift-Giving (A bit of Fun)
We have all heard about (or been) the stressed mum or dad (uncle, aunt, friend etc) running around the mall finishing last minute Christmas shopping. While some, the organised few, have already finished their shopping by the end of November.
We all have a different shopping method. Whether we are the last minute shopper or the prepared shopper, our Extended DISC Style can help to predict how we might approach the Christmas period.
The D Style Shopper:
D style people are confident, quick-thinking, and decisive. D behavioural types make quick decisions, especially when under pressure. D styles tend to be impatient and are not usually sentimental. When it comes to Christmas shopping, these traits can be both positive and negative. Sometimes it’s better to let the D style shop independently of others. If they can get away with it, the D style would rather delegate this task to someone else!
In the event they find themselves Christmas shopping, you can guarantee D styles will not take long. They will spend the least amount of time possible looking for a gift. They do not shop around comparing prices or similar items. D styles value time frames and getting results. They go for the quick and easy purchase rather than invest time and effort in saving a few dollars. D styles are unlikely to walk through numerous shops. A store like Myer, David Jones, Kmart or Target is perfect for the D Style shopper. Here they can find everything they will need.
Helpful Hint: if a D style is buying you a gift, tell them clearly what you want.
The I Style Shopper:
I styles are people-oriented and outgoing. I styles are notoriously prone to procrastinate. They are most likely to be frantic ‘Christmas Eve Shoppers,’ looking for a gift they forgot. I styles get excited about the glitz and glam of the holiday season. They are likely to be found chatting near a sparkly display. They are eager to please and often make gift purchases based on emotion. I styles love gifts that are personal and thoughtful. They are aware of popular trends and are likely to purchase something if they know others have too!
I styles like to socialise. They prefer to shop with a group of people and may even catch-up with friends for coffee and lunch, the more the merrier! An I style will spend many hours searching for the perfect present. Gifts from an I style tend to be thoughtful or funny. Gifts are chosen based on shared memories or to provide an experience, like concert tickets. An I style is dedicated to finding the ultimate gift but can often get distracted while making a decision. If an I style is buying you a present you may even end up with more than one.
Helpful Hint: I styles love to feel accepted, make sure to let them know how much you love the gift.
The S Style shopper:
S styles are family-oriented, reliable and loyal. They value close personal relationships. S styles avoid confrontation and like to follow tradition. S behavioural types are very thoughtful gift-givers and prefer handcrafted or homemade gifts. For the S style Christmas shopping starts early. They are steady, methodical shoppers. S styles will make lists of people they need to buy gifts for and what to get each person. S styles are good listeners and have probably written down all the things they notice you like so they know exactly what to buy you.
S styles prefer to purchase and collect gifts over a few months. S styles do not like being rushed. The Christmas crowds can be too chaotic and stressful for S styles. Shopping in November and online allows them to avoid the frenzy of Christmas shopping. S styles are not impulsive shoppers. They will spend the time to compare prices and items for the best deal and gift. S styles are creatures of habit and tend to shop at the same trusted and reliable stores. Do not be surprised if your gift is from the same shop several years in a row.
Helpful Hint: Going shopping with an S Style? Prepare to offer a second opinion on all the gifts they buy.
The C Style shopper:
C styles are detail-oriented, organised and advanced planners. C styles have the act of gift-giving down to a science. They are the behavioural types most likely to have all their Christmas shopping finished by the beginning of December. C styles enjoy gathering and organising information. They like to research before buying a gift. A C style will take the time to check consumer reports and safety ratings. They will compare similar models and choose the best available price. C Styles like to buy gifts that are good quality and practical.
C Styles keep a detailed shopping list. They do not like to make spontaneous purchases. A C style plans ahead and often buys gifts throughout the year to avoid the holiday rush. They are thorough and conscientious. They would never deliberately leave anyone off their shopping list. C Styles can become anxious if they post a gift after the recommended date. The gifts will also be perfectly wrapped and labelled.
Helpful Hint: Buying a present for a C Style? Think technical i.e. tools for manual labour or cooking, gadgets and non-fiction books
With thanks to HR Profiling for the majority of the background information in this article
SR Group would like to wish you and your loved ones a safe and happy holiday season. We look forward to re-connecting in the New Year
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