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I always love to hear the goals people have planned to make a difference – whether it be at home, at work or in the community.  Grander plans to change the world are pretty exciting too!

What disappoints me greatly though, is when I listen to what people say and then watch their actions and see they aren’t actually “Walking their Talk”.  They’re not committing to their words with their actions.

You have an opportunity to make changes for the better just by “Walking your Talk”.  Not because you’re told to by your family, friends or employers, but because you want to.

“Walking Your Talk” is all about living to your standards and values, without compromising.  It’s doing what you say you will do.

Let me give you a few examples of how easy it is.  I’d like to think you will be willing to try some.

  • If you’ve got a little spare time at work, instead of surfing the net or checking out Facebook, help someone who is really busy.
  • Don’t enable a bully.  Tell them it’s unacceptable behaviour or walk away.  It’s really important to report them. Unless it’s reported, this appalling behaviour can’t be stopped. By making a stand, you could change a person’s life forever.
  • If you promise to do something, ensure you do it.
  • Compliment someone every day and mean it!


There’s no time like the present to start!  No more excuses, it’s time to take responsibility for what you do in your life

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